Troubleshooting With Traditional Linux CLI

This type of TPS management task requires you to setup serial port or Secure Shell connection to Linux TPS.

Viewing System Events

To display the messages system has collected, use command:

root@tpp:~# journalctl

Called with no options it displays all system events within console pager program that allows you to scroll up and down with the keyboard navigation keys. The oldest entries is on top.
Hit q hot key to exit from journal pager.

Called with -b flag journalctl shows all of the journal entries since the most recent reboot: root@tpp:~# journalctl -b

Events selection by date/time intervals with the --since and --until options: root@tpp:~# journalctl --since "2016-01-27 00:00:00" --until "2016-01-27 16:00:00"

Program also supports selection by relative timestamps: root@tpp:~# journalctl --since yesterday --until "1 hour ago"

Unit journal selection with the -u flag is the one of the most important: root@tpp:~# journalctl -u ag_server In the above example we're selecting all AggreGate Server events.

To monitor for a new events in real time use -f and -l flags: root@tpp:~# journalctl -f -l

System Load

Feature-rich atop and traditional top CLI utilities are an interactive monitors that help you to view system load in real time.
In the meantime atop cannot run in a secure shell session. It requires serial port CLI.

To see the current system usage for the critical hardware resources (RAM, CPU, disk and network) run: root@tpp:~# top for Secure Shell CLI session or root@tpp:~# atop in the serial console.

Hit q key to quit both utilities.
Read more about top and top utilities in WWW.

Disk Space

Well-known Linux utility df gives information about all mounted media: root@tpp:~# df -h

root@tpp:~# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
ubi0:rootfs             440.5M    233.2M    207.3M  53% /
The point of interest is ubi0:rootfs mounted on / partition.

Network Settings

ifconfig utility is the well-known Linux tool to view and change configuration of the network interfaces. root@tpp:~# ifconfig
Good old route utility able to give you information about current routing table: root@tpp:~# route -n Temporary add default gateway: root@tpp:~# route add default gw eth0

Linux TPS also have modern feature-rich iproute tool root@tpp:~# ip addr show wich functionality may overlap both tools mentioned above.