CAccelData | Struct with data output for ADXL312 |
CAccelerometer | Class for 3-axis accelerometer (Tibbit #36) |
CAdc | Class for ADC (Tibbit #13) |
CAdcData | Struct with data output for LTC2309 |
CCi2c | Base Virtual I2C I/O class |
CCi2c_smbus | I2C SMBUS I/O class |
CCspi | General perpose SPI I/O class |
CCuart | UART base setup functions |
CCWg | Wiegand Tibbit#08 I/O class |
CDac | Class for DAC (Tibbit #14) |
CDacData | Struct with data output for MCP4728 |
CGpio | Class for GPIO manipulations |
CGpioReturn | Structure for return values |
CHumData | Struct with data output for HIH6130 |
CHumidity | Class for ambient humidity/temperature meter tibbit control (Tibbit #30) |
Ci2cmap_t | I2C bus name to # mapping structure |
CLight | Class for ambient light sensor tibbit control (Tibbit #28) |
CLightData | Struct with data output for BH1721FVC |
CPic | Class for PWM/ADC PIC16F1824 tibbit control (Tibbit #16, Tibbit #17 and Tibbit #31) |
CPortexData | Struct with data for MCP23008 |
CPortextender | Class for 8-bit port tibbit control (Tibbit #41) |
CPotentiometer | Class for digital potentiometer (Tibbit #40) |
CPresData | Struct with data output for MPL115A2 |
CPressure | Class for ambient pressure/temperature sensor tibbit control (Tibbit #35) |
CRtc | Class for RTC tibbit control (Tibbit #42) |
CRtcAlarm | Struct with time for alarms in RTC Tibbit |
CRtcAlarmFlags | Struct with alarm flags for RTC |
CRtcAlarmsStatus | Struct with alarms triggered status for RTC |
CRtcClock | Struct with time for DS3234 |
CRtcResult | Struct with some operations result for RTC |
CRtcSram | Struct with SRAM registers for RTC |
CRtcTemp | Struct with temperature for DS3234 |
CRtcTime | Struct with time for clock in RTC Tibbit |
CTempData | Struct with data output for MCP9808 |
CTemperature | Class for ambient temperature sensor tibbit control (Tibbit #29) |
Cwg_data_t | I2C bus name to # mapping structure |