1. Install the software

    Install the package minicom using the package manager of your Linux distribution.

  2. Configuring the software

    There are several ways to find the target serial port in Linux.
    * If you're using Serial-over-USB please, disconect the usb cable from the PC and plug it back watching at system logs. System will print out the path to newly created /dev/ttyUSBxx file, which you may use for serial communication.
    Alternatively you may use command
    ls -l /dev/ttyUSB*
    to search for all enabled Serial-over-USB tty ports in the system. There may be alot of them, depending on device creation logic of your Linux distribution.
    * In case of real serial port you may search for target tty in the output of
    'ls -l /dev/ttyS*'
    command trying one-by-one.

    Run minicom in setup mode with command:
    minicom -s
    Select Serial port setup:

    Serial port setup

    Press hot key A to set serial port device, input correct path to device file (/dev/ttyS0 for ex.) and press Enter.

    Press hot key E to set 115200 Bps and 8IN1 Par/Bits, then press Enter.

    Press hot key F to turn off Hardware Flow control, then press Enter.

    Review your setting on the settings window and select Save setup as dfl:

    Serial port settings

    Select Exit.

    minicom is ready to use:

    Serial console

    Next time to open serial port session just call minicom with command
    It will load all default settings you did before.